Why You Would Want to Hire a Drone Pilot Network

Drones for Commercial Real Estate

Let’s consider we’re talking about a commercial real estate brokerage for this post.

When it comes to utilizing an aerial view, this can be important for:

  • marketing a property for sale with aerial photography 
  • assessing conditions of a building with thermal imaging
  • understanding topographic lay of the land before purchases
  • quicker and more efficient infrastructure inspections

and much more! 

Why a Network is Better than One Vendor

With all that being said, it’s almost impossible to have 1 drone pilot that can provide that much value. And when it comes to multiple properties, managing a drone pilot fleet can take valuable time away from your specialty.

That’s why we recommend outsourcing drone-focused services to a network that has a presence across the nation, and understands the many sensors and tools that drones can be equipped with.

Soft-Washing a Building... Using a Drone

For example, not only can drones gather data, but did you know you can even clean buildings using soft-washing and pressure-washing powered by a flying drone? This type of cleaning eliminates the need to climb roofs, rent boom lifts, and allows for cleaning on almost any asset up to 110ft tall!

When it comes to an aerial perspective, we’ve got you covered. 

Redeem your FREE listing photography for 1 property! Contact us at 678-769-5275 or info@airwebdigital.com

🌎 Airweb - Nationwide Drone Solutions for Professionals

📩 info@airwebdigital.com
📲 (678) 769-5275

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